a girl and her marine....

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I got the distinct honor of shooting this adorable couple. As this young ladies volleyball coach from her freshman year... I have always seen the drive she has and it was so awesome to see that drive as she married the love of her life. The simplicity and elegance for her beautiful day was spot on. AND this young man... so appreciated for how much he has given already in his life and just a caring soul. They mesh so well and can't wait to see what the future holds for them. I have known these families for quite some time so you just can't help but smile for their happiness. 

I'd love to give you a little scenario of our day... This chick... is TOUGH!!!!! As you can see with her STUNNING dress... it wasn't made for North Dakota winters. We went out for outdoor shots quite a few times, and she had to be cold as ice every time we ran back for a warm up. She did amazing and we all had a great time for the coldest day of our December winter yet:)  From the sweet signs, to the marine cake pops, I loved how everything helped define this young couple:) 

Taylor and Kaitlyn's intimate wedding was beautiful and I want to thank them for allowing me to join them!!! CHEERS!!!!


Destinee Jensen